ASLD2200 Sludge Blanket Monitor

Continuous Sludge Blanket Level Monitoring – Infrared Sensor

The ASLD2200 is a fully automatic sludge blanket level detector designed for the water and waste water industry. It utilises a servo-driven sensor which continually tracks the settled interface with the sensor at the very top of the interface zone.

Continuous monitoring of the sludge/water interface or sludge blanket is central to the efficient operation of clarifiers, thickeners and settlement tanks. Reliable measurement enables a control system to maintain the optimum depth of sludge in the tank. A sludge interface that is too high can result in pollution incidents caused by carry-over from a final settlement tank. The sludge can also become too thick to extract easily or can turn septic if left too long. If there is insufficient sludge in the tank the settlement process cannot operate correctly and the solids will tend to remain in suspension.

Our infrared sensors are ideally suited to monitoring the sludge/water interface even when the settlement process is not working effectively and the interface has become indistinct.


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