
Upright Convection Oven

Upright Forced Convection Oven provides a big volume of chamber for large scale laboratory or industrial purpose. Nevertheless its large volume, dual heating system on upper and lower compartment with two separate heating elements and blowers provide better air circulation throughout the chamber to achieve excellent temperature uniformity and faster heat up time.

Refrigerated Low Temperature BOD Incubator

SBI-C Series Refrigerated BOD Incubator gives excellent incubation conditions below ambient temperature for bacterial, fungal, cell and tissue culture incubation temperature range from 0°C to 70°C or BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) test, QA or QC laboratory in pharmaceutical industries.

Tabletop Refrigerated Incubator

Table Top Refrigerated Incubator gives excellent incubation conditions below ambient temperature within a compact size for bacterial, fungal, cell and tissue culture incubation temperature range from +0°C to 70°C.


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